Read articles written by the authors of Getting to Plan B

John Mullins, Management-Issues, "The business planning conundrum "

John Mullins & Randy Komisar, MIT Sloan Management Review, "A Business Plan? Or a Journey to Plan B?"

John Mullins & Randy Komisar, Ethical Corporation, "Patagonia's steep climb to success"
To read as a PDF, click here.

John Mullins & Randy Komisar, Economic Times, "Biyani: When bad news is good news"

John Mullins & Randy Komisar, ChangeThis, "The Importance of Discovering Your Plan B"
To read as a PDF, click here.

John Mullins,
The Wall Street Journal. "Why Business Plans Don't Deliver: The five most common flaws and how to fix them"

John Mullins, MIT Sloan Management Review, "Discovering Unk-Unks"
To read as a PDF, click here

John Mullins, Business Strategy Review, "Can We Teach Entrepreneurship?"
To read as a PDF, click here.

John Mullins, Business Strategy Review, "Fundamentally Fit"
To read as a PDF, click here.